Mariel Meier

Science and Human Nature is part of the Core education at Oglethorpe University. The Core is how Oglethorpe tackles general education – and it is awesome! Students get a thoughtful and communal educational experience, and one of the last classes they take is Science and Human Nature (aka “Science Core”). I have taught Science Core for several years. The main theme of Science Core is  – What does it mean to practice science? How is science different from other ways of knowing? And – how do we communicate science? In the past my class has focused on Quantum Mechanics, but this year, one image caused me to completely recreate my class. This image.  first image from James Webb Space Telescope showing a plethora of celestial objects How could I not spend 14 weeks discussing how far we have come in our ability to image and understand space?! So this semester we will be discussing observational astronomy – starting from the early Greek astronomers, working our way through the wonderful women at Harvard, and finally landing with James Webb Space Telescope.
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